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For any information and appointments, do not hesitate to contact us at 02 374 85 35. We will gladly reply to you.


Welcome to the ENTCARE website of Dr Durdurez JP, ENT specialist and successor of Dr Minet JC.

Thanks ( or due) to his competence, experience and professionalism, quality care can be offered at two adresses ( places): Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, close to the ULB and the DELTA area and Marie Louise Square, close to the European Institutions and the Leopold Parc.



Dr Durdurez JP

Out of the ULB in 1991, he continued his speciality in special degree in ENT which it ends in 1996 after spending part of it at UZ GENT and Montpellier University Hospital. remaining consultant at CHU saint-Pierre since 1996, it will be accredited CHIREC that year as the French Hospital where he will be the head of the Department from 2001-2004 and associated head Department from 2004-2007 of the fusioned entity with the Caesar de Paepe Hospital before full resumption by the Saint-Pierre. Currently, he receives his patients in both medical offices, he speaks French, English, Dutch and Italian.

He practices both adult and child surgery in Cavell of CHIREC and at CHU Saint-Pierre hospital. This involves both conventional pediatric surgery, surgery of the tonsils, vegetations and recurrent otitis via the installation of tympanic drains or surgery of the detached ears, as well as basic adult surgery- tonsillectomy in one day surgery, septoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery- more specific in rhinology ( rhinoplasty) or laryngology ( microsurgery of the vocal cords).

Through his activity at Saint-Pierre hospital, he can access the most efficient technical methods: radio frequency, various types of laser, as well as the latest therapeutic protocols. He is also interested in the aesthetics and use of hyaluronic acid and botox in e ENT field.SBORL-SFORL-ERS-ARS member.

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